Your Employees are your #1 Asset
Find Information Quickly
Have you ever struggled to find an answer to a simple question in the office? An IT issues? A phone problem? Who do I talk to about this? Let Support Hero house this information for your employees. This will be easy to update, track and search. Take the stress of not knowing off your employees today!
What is the Dress Code?
Support Hero is a great place to keep employee and company policies. These can be created and updated without needing technical experience. 100% searchable. 100% Shareable. Stop printing or emailing these out.
Report It.
Want to give your employees a place to report issues or give feedback? Support Hero’s form system is a great way to capture employee feedback and issues. The forms are easy to setup and can be configured to capture information quickly.
Educate and Train.
It’s hard to find good talent in 2022. It’s even harder to bring them up to speed. Support Hero can help onboard and educate your staff. It is also a great place to find answers quickly about services/products that your company offers. Let us show you how this can work!